The web portal has published an interesting article on an extremely topical issue: the need for an alliance between school and businesses in training not only for the future but also for the present. The mayor of Palermo, Leoluca Orlando, called it a “language pact”.
The mayor, together with the regional councillor for education Roberto Lagalla, also defined the agreement between culture and operators in the industrial sector as vital to get out of the crisis generated by Covid-19.
During the event ‘School at the time of Covid-19’, organised by the Mechatronics Production District Sicilia in Palermo, the importance of creating a strong and direct link between the training and industrial supply chain, at the basis of the strategy to get out of the crisis, was stressed.
The president of Mechatronics Production District, Antonello Mineo, who during the lockdown led the companies in the area towards conversion for the production of masks, also spoke out on the same concept, sending an appeal to the institutions to make them aware of the issue.