Learning Delivery Model

The WP4 – Development of Learning delivery model with special emphasis to accessibility of the learning, e.g. a face to face teaching, WBL and VOOC modes, according to the requirements of different target groups of NewMetro. The NewMetro is aimed at full time young learners, apprentices, working or unemployed adult learners, thus the target group is very broad and the offer needs to be modular and diverse. The Learning Delivery Model also specifies and integrates the translational components of the learning delivery model, such as virtual mobility, work based learning (WBL) and transnational mobility, certification of competences at European level, etc., to be subsequently tested in the piloting and validation phase (WP5).

The report Intellectual Output IO4.1 presents the European Learning Delivery Model broken down in:

  • Contents
  • Delivery methods
  • Transnational shared components

The contents presented in the IO4.1 are result of joint partner effort and work carried out in five tasks of the WP4 as listed:

  • 4.1 Based on the results from WP2 and WP3 the co-creation of the shared NewMetro delivery model. The delivery model addresses established needs, common contents and transnational specifics and optimises the possible blend of delivery methods for specific target groups.
  • 4.2 A European Design Workshop was organised in order to co-design the different components of the Learning Delivery Model, that can be used as learning mobility as well as work based learning.
  • 4.3 Create VOOC curricula, specific objectives, requirements, contents, learning activities, resources and videos, and assessment.
  • 4.4 Create guidelines and templates for learning materials to enable uniform NewMetro material authored and contributed by different content providers. The guides and templates are related to the material structure and branding.
  • 4.5 Create guidelines for video creation, format, subtitles, format intro and outro.
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