
Technical Progress Meeting

The New Metro technical progress meeting was held on the 26th of July, 2021, via the GoToMeeting web platform.

The meeting was inaugurated by Leonardo Quattrocchi with a warm welcome. Later on, the partners proceeded to the core discussion. The subjects that were being discussed during the meeting are summarized as follows:

  • Regarding the Intellectual Output 5:
    • a description of each of the 2 Pilot sites for each of the five countries involved in the experimentation,
    • the status of development of respective learning material,
    • the IO5 questionnaire replies.
  • The current status of the project and the possibility for asking request for an extension.
  • Regarding the Intelligent Output 4:
    • a delivery plan for missing learning material and training uploading on the NEW METRO platform.
  • Regarding the general quality issues:
    • criteria for the NEW METRO Sustainability and Exploitation Plan.
  • Dissemination issues.
  • Arrangement of the Next Transnational Project Meeting on November 2021.

The meeting concluded with mutual wishes for happy summer holidays.

kets, vet

Technical Progress Meeting

The New Metro technical progress meeting was held on the 20th of April, 2021, via the GoToMeeting web platform.

The issues that were being discussed during the meeting are summarized as follows:

  • Issues regarding the training material. More specifically, the status of the development of learning material was presented by each partner.
  • Concerning the Extension Clarification, the partners exchanged opinions regarding the recovery plan and the planning for the project timeline up to the end of the project.
  • Regarding the piloting phase, there have been discussed alternatives and solutions to close the testing program presented by the WP Lead Partner and other Partners.
  • Finally, issues related to Project Management were put on the constructive discussion.

Virtual Transnational Project Meeting on 12th of May

A Virtual Transnational Project Meeting was held on 12th of May via GoToMeeting platform. Despite the pandemic crisis of Covid-19, NEW-METRO project carries on its activities and all the partners expressed their gladness to meet again. 

The issues discussed included the maximization of the utilization of IO3 and IO4 in view of the WP5 Piloting Phase, identifying the required Mechatronic competences and designing the delivery model and components. Afterward, the partners exchanged point of views on a shared plan of activities focusing on Project Management and Quality Assurance. The web meeting successfully accomplished its goals arranging the following actions for the next meeting including Stakeholders. The participants exchanged courtesies and their dearest wishes for health and… “Stay Safe!”.

mechatronic meeting

New Metro Project European Design Workshop

Industry 4.o, mechatronic

Meeting Agenda

co founded Erasmus+


July 4th 2019
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles

New Metro Project
European Design Workshop

10.00 am

Participants registration

10.10 am

Welcome by Confindustria

L. Pinna, Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles

10.20 am

Stakeholder dialogue in New Metro validation process

L. Quattrocchi, SFC

10.30 am

Stakeholder introduction: best practices and

Tour de Table

11.15 am

Emerging skills in mechatronic: from research results to new challenges

G. Marzano, Rezekne  Academy of Technologies

12.00 am

Emerging skills in mechatronic: debate with stakeholders

L. Quattrocchi, SFC

01.00 pm


01.15 pm

Light Lunch

The New Metro meetings of July 4th (European Design Workshop)will be held at the headquarters of:
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles
mechatronic meeting

NEW METRO Kick-off Meeting

NEW METRO – embeddiNg kEts and Work based learning into MEchaTROnic profile

Project n. 600984-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA

Kick-off Meeting

12 February 2019


  • “Project vision on Mechatronic Skills in the I4.0 Environment and Beyond
  • Overview of the Project and presentation of the partnership
  • NEW METRO Project: tasks and expected results
  • Project Management Structure. Budgetary & Financial issues
  • Evaluation and Quality Plan: goals and tools
  • Overview of Work Packages and of Integrated Design of Joint Learning Supply (WP2)
  • Proposal “New Metro”
  • Grant Agreement
  • Erasmus+ guide
  • Evaluation report EACEA on Proposal “New Metro”
  • WP1: Participatory Review and validation of already
    available training need analysis
  • WP2: Integrated Design of Joint Learning Supply
  • WP3: Development of Competences Framework and NEW
    METRO curriculum in terms of specific learning
  • WP4: Development of Learning delivery model
  • WP5: Piloting and Validation
  • WP6: Valorisation, dissemination and exploitation
  • WP7: Project Management
  • WP8: Quality manager

European Design Workshop

Project Monitoring and Coordination meeting

mechatronic meeting

NEW METRO 21st and 22nd November 2019 Meeting Agenda

NEW METRO – embeddiNg kEts and Work based learning into MEchaTROnic profile
Project n. 600984-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA
3rd  Transnational Project Meeting
21st and 22nd NOVEMBER
Escola del Treball de Barcelona – Carrer del Comte d’Urgell, 187  
21st November 2019
10 am – 5.30 pm
10.00Welcome, Agenda and Introduction (Vicent Pastor ENSE & Leonardo Quattrocchi – SFC)
10.30SSA projects – Reporting (EACEA – Pavol Krempasky)

“Joint Learning Supply: design principles”   (Claudio Dondi, Rossella Brindani, CIS, WP2 Lead Partner)

The aim of New Metro: Orchestrated Innovation for Vocational Excellence

              The contents and macro-structure of the new qualification

              The learning delivery model and the transnational components

12.30Priorities for a European training model for mechatronics: feedback from Stakeholders
13.00Light lunch
14.00Debate and validation of WP2 results (Partners) and highlights to develop in WP3 and WP4
15.30Quality Report presentation (Nikolaos Floratos)
16.30Dissemination Report presentation (Max Hogenfoster, Hanse, WP6 Lead Partner)
17.30End of works
22st November 2019
9 am – 5 pm
9.00Agenda and Introduction (SFC)
9.15Management reporting (SFC)


Steering Committee

11.30NEW METRO working group on WP3 “NEW METRO CV” (Proposal by ENSE, WP3 Lead Partner)
13.00Light lunch
14.00NEW METRO working group on WP 4 “LEARNING DELIVERY MODEL” Proposal by FHJ, WP4 Lead Partner)
15.55First feedback from the monitoring: EACEA, Pavol Krempasky
16.00Dissemination activities
17.00Wrap-up & Closing (to do and minutes)

New Metro Project Technical Partner Meeting

Meeting Agenda

co founded Erasmus+
5th 2019
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles

New Metro Project 

July 5th 2019
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles

New Metro Project
Technical Partner Meeting
09.00 amReconvening
09.15 am

New Metro Evaluation: first 6 months of Project lifecycle

Team partner contribution, guided by N. Floratos, Key Innovation (video connection)
10.00 am

New Metro Steering Committee – discuss project principles, strengthen project purpose and aims

Senior Manager from each partner, discussion guided by L. Quattrocchi, SFC
11.00 am

Integrated Design of Joint Learning Supply – WP2

R. Brindani, C. Dondi, CIS Business School
12.30 pmQ&A

01.00 pm

Light Lunch
02.00 pmProject Coordination – verify project activities,
03.00 pm

Planning the next 6 months of project life – assign responsibilities, set deadlines, identify resources

Team partner contribution, guided by L. Quattrocchi, SFC
03.45 pmQ&A and Wrap-up
The New Metro meetings of 5th (Steering Committee and Project Meeting) will be held at the headquarters of:
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles