Last February, NEW METRO launched an international challenge to stimulate students in solving an operational project with a participatory approach. The challenge was undertaken by transnational teams of 5 to 10 students who cooperated together through virtual meeting, and practical work. Teams, hade up to 4 weeks to design a controlled linear system, by applying, amogst others mechanics and electronics engineering skills, together with the correct use of engineering software and IoT tools.

The NEW METRO challenge, designed as an operational Learning-By-Doing methodology, allows not only to achieve operational results that can be applied in real life profesisonal scenarios. It also stimulates spirit of initiative among students pushing them to propose original and well performing solutions to the problem proposed.


Three teams of challengers competed with students and colleagues from countries participating in the NEW METRO project work with equal opportunities. The international teams, made by students of ITS Meccatronico Lazio (Rome), Institut de Vic and Institut Alt Penedès (Barcelona), University of Ioannina, and ITS MAKER (Reggio Emilia) developed original and different solutions to the same problem.

More info about engagement rules and methodology of the challenge can be found here.


New Metro Project Final Meeting

The project’s final meeting took place in Brussels in a hybrid format on the 24th and 25th of March. The partners, alongside a large number of stakeholders, attended the meeting and were informed about the milestones being achieved and the next steps to be taken to further disseminate and evolve the project’s accomplishments in a manner of sustainable exploitation. Max Hogerfoster allegorically stated that “the seed has been planted” and now is the time to leverage the legacy of the NEW METRO project and take advantage of the momentum to substantially transform Mechatronics education across Europe to pace with the changes that the Industry 4.0 era brings about.

Several partners presented the outcomes of the work have been done and the experiences they gained, such as the huge amount of training material being developed, the e-learning platform is built that is free for use, the innovation of remote training for Work-Based Learning due to the pandemic situation, and of course the transnational training experience. Unanimously, the partnership agreed upon maintaining the best practices that emerged from this fruitful collaboration and spreading the word about the outcomes of our work by approaching more stakeholders and planning the next steps. Finally, the winning team (composed of students) of the contest for solving a mechatronics challenge was announced. The evaluation committee declared the high quality of all the projects they received, and particularly the importance of transnational collaboration.

The meeting concluded with absolute success and the wish for future collaborations…

Polish Language

Polish Language

Intellectual Outputs 3 Polish

Intellectual Outputs 2 Polish

Intellectual Outputs 1 Polish

Intellectual Outputs 3 Latvia

Intellectual Outputs 2 Latvia

Intellectual Outputs 1 Latvia


Latvian Language