mechatronics, vet, kets

8th International Logistics Scientific Conference WSL FORUM 2019

mechatronics, vet, kets
MAIN TOPIC:  Contemporary problems of logistics in scientific research
Date: 18th-19th of November 2019 (Monday-Tuesday)
Place:  Poznan School of Logistics, Estkowskiego 6, Poznan (Poland)
Main topics:
  • Digital supply chains
  • Digitalization of logistic processes
  • Transport and forwarding
  • Supply and distribution logistics
  • Production logistics
  • Logistics infrastructure
  • Costs and controlling in logistics
  • Packaging in logistic systems
  • Security of logistic processes
  • Logistics education
  The WSL FORUM conference has been held regularly since 2005.
The aim of this year’s conference is to present the results of research and exchange views and experiences concerning logistics in its broadest sense. The changes taking place in the modern world undoubtedly lead to a discussion on issues related to the logistics of companies and supply chains, digitalization, security and quality of logistics processes, etc.
The conference enables the presentation of the latest research results, the exchange of ideas, and the discussion of new ideas and concepts in such an intensively developing field of knowledge and practice as modern logistics. In addition to participants from Polish scientific institutions, the conference will be attended by scientists from foreign academic centres.
We will be honoured to have you participate in the Conference organized by us.

< < < More information about 8th International Logistics Scientific Conference WSL FORUM 2019 > > >

The languages of the conference are Polish and English.

Information Day on the Network of Artificial Intelligence

Today 28/05/2019 from 9:30 to 16:15 will take place the information day on the Network of Artificial Intelligence: European Network of Artificial Intelligence (Excellence Centres) The European Commission is organising an information and brokerage event on 28 May 2019 in Brussels for the call on European Network of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Excellence Centres. The event will provide information about the objectives of the call. The event will be webstreamed to allow the best researchers and industrial actors across Europe to access all the information needed to apply at any time, from anywhere.

As not all participants can take part personally, to acommodate participants’ networking needs, Ideal-ist, the network of National Contact Points for ICT in Horizon 2020 is offering this Face2Face Virtual Agora. This agora will be available throughout the call opening period.

For more visit the link below:
  >  > > < < <

New Metro Project Technical Partner Meeting

Meeting Agenda

co founded Erasmus+
5th 2019
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles

New Metro Project 

July 5th 2019
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles

New Metro Project
Technical Partner Meeting
09.00 amReconvening
09.15 am

New Metro Evaluation: first 6 months of Project lifecycle

Team partner contribution, guided by N. Floratos, Key Innovation (video connection)
10.00 am

New Metro Steering Committee – discuss project principles, strengthen project purpose and aims

Senior Manager from each partner, discussion guided by L. Quattrocchi, SFC
11.00 am

Integrated Design of Joint Learning Supply – WP2

R. Brindani, C. Dondi, CIS Business School
12.30 pmQ&A

01.00 pm

Light Lunch
02.00 pmProject Coordination – verify project activities,
03.00 pm

Planning the next 6 months of project life – assign responsibilities, set deadlines, identify resources

Team partner contribution, guided by L. Quattrocchi, SFC
03.45 pmQ&A and Wrap-up
The New Metro meetings of 5th (Steering Committee and Project Meeting) will be held at the headquarters of:
Confindustria Delegation in Bruxelles
Avenue de la Joyeuse Entrée, 1- Bruxelles

NEW METRO officially launched first survey addressed to mechatronics key stakeholders

NEW METRO officially launched first survey addressed to mechatronics key stakeholders

On mid-March, the NEW METRO project has reached an important milestone for collecting evidence about mechatronics field trends and scenarios, training needs analysis and related professional profiles.

After three months of working, NEW METRO consortium has officially launched his first survey addressed to key stakeholders in the mechatronics sector and aimed at the identification of future trends and global vision in the mechatronics sector.

The analysis of survey results will act as a starting point highlighting main common lines and trends in the mechatronics sector. The consortium will work in order to integrate possible differences among countries, a crucial phase for designing the foreseen common European framework and model.

Stay tuned for further updates!


The NEW METRO project was officially launched on February 12th and 13th at Confindustria headquarters in Rome. It gathered all consortium Partners composed by universities and institutions, employer organizations, education policy makers and companies. Altogether the project involves 11 full Partners from 7 EU countries (Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Spain) and 7 associated Partners. The variety and the range of Partners’ expertise is crucial to develop the NEW METRO activities and to carry out the foreseen pilot phase.


After the presentation of administrative aspects of NEW METRO implementation by the project coordinator, NEW METRO Partners had the first working session on the technical side of the project such as its scope, expected outcomes and timeline. The participants also received valuable feedback from the external evaluator who assisted the Consortium in identifying the key issues and processes to be considered in the work plan.


NEW METRO project is coordinated by SFC Sistemi Formativi Confindustria as Applicant Partner and it will have a duration of 3 years.


NEW METRO: embeddiNg kEts and Work based learning into MEchaTROnic profile


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein

mechatronics, meeting, stylios
mechatronics, meeting